Mathematics Intent, Implementation & Impact
At Winston Way, our aim is to promote a love for Mathematics so that children can make connections between numeracy and their everyday lives and for all pupils to be proficient in the fundamentals of mathematics. In line with the National Curriculum, our use of the White Rose Maths overview deepens children's understanding of key skills and knowledge in small, sequenced steps, allowing them to achieve mastery in Mathematics. Furthermore, all children have the opportunity to reason and problem solve. Our teaching is also supported by concrete and pictorial resources before children move onto abstract concepts.
In doing so, by the time our children leave Winston Way Academy, we intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in real-life contexts, understand how mathematics shape the world they live, become independent, resilient problem solvers and creative critical thinkers, preparing them for their next academic year.
At Winston Way, we use the White Rose Maths overview to ensure mathematical concepts are embedded into children’s working memory so that children know more and remember more.
At Winston Way, our mathematic lessons have the following fundamental characteristics:
Use of key mathematical vocabulary to develop pupils’ confidence in reasoning and problem-solving
Low-stakes quizzing to recall key number facts
Recaps to draw on prior knowledge
Use of Kagan strategies to provide opportunities for mathematical talk
Rehearsal of written and mental calculations to retain proficiency
Explicit teacher instruction
Varied and frequent practise with increasingly complex problems to develop children’s conditional knowledge
Opportunities to reason and problem-solve so that children can apply and hone these skills in other subjects and real-life
Encouragement of resilience, adaptability and acceptance of learning from mistakes
Our mathematics curriculum is based on the White Rose overview, which is fully supported by the Department for Education and is in line with the new curriculum. It provides all the elements that teachers need to teach maths mastery with confidence and to encourage children to talk using maths language.
We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods:
Termly Progress in Understand Mathematics Assessment (PUMA) to track progress, predict future performance and benchmark against national averages
Pupils’ discussions about their learning
Book looks
Additional Resources/Links:
White Rose - White Rose Maths has partnered with TV presenter Michael Underwood to offer a series of videos designed to support parents with maths at home. The videos cover various areas of Maths and are accessible at the following link:
Conquer Maths
Times Tables Rock Star
WRM 1-Minute Maths
BBC Bitesize for KS1
BBC Bitesize for KS2
Hit the Button
Maths Frame
My Mini Maths (for Year 6)